Sightseeing -
- Pavagadh
- Lakshmi Vilas Palace, if its open
- Kamatibaug
- EME Temple
- there's an Art museum with Ravi Verma paintings
- Nava Bazar and some adjoining areas for hard-core shopping
- MSU Art's campus
Restaurants -
- Chung Faa, awesome Indo-Chinese
- Daawat, for Punjabi and general eats
- Kansar, for Gujju thaali
- Sasujee, for a fun eating experience, also Gujju thaali
- Woodlands, for South Indian
- Sans Sizzlers
- Sandwich and pani-puri stalls near RC Dutt Rd.
- HavMor
Places to hang out
- Where the snack stalls are
- Near the colleges, spec. MSU Arts
- RC Dutt Road, anywhere